GRU Airport is the best, wait, GRU Airport is the best in its category. Announcement will take place during the regional edition of Routes, a traditional meeting of the airline industry, for bringing together the largest companies and airport complexes in the world.
For the second consecutive year, the São Paulo International Airport, in Guarulhos, is nominated for the Routes Americas Awards, one of the most renowned awards in the sector, which highlights airports, bureaus and destination representations for excellence in service provision and for promoting connectivity through the creation of new routes. In 2019, GRU Airport was the winner in its category, of airports that receive more than 20 million passengers per year.
Last year, recognition was given for the creation of 13 new flights and the launch of 68 commercial spaces. On February 5, GRU Airport will participate in the celebration, represented by the airline business manager, João Pita, as the only Brazilian and Latin airport in its category.
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The expectation for a new achievement is based on very concrete results. Last year, GRU Airport launched 26 new routes, 10 of which were new to national destinations and five, to international destinations (three of which went to cities hitherto not connected to GRU). The airport also opened 81 new stores and reached the mark of 43 million processed arrivals and departures and 297 thousand landings and departures. In addition to Guarulhos, only RioGaleão appears among the Brazilian airports indicated. International Agenda Routes Americas 2020 runs until Thursday (6), in Indianapolis, in the United States. The event is the annual and most traditional meeting point between airports, airlines and representative entities of the American continents. Executives from GRU Airport's Air and Commercial Business department participate in the event by meeting with representatives from other airports and airlines. According to the concessionaire's Business Manager at the concessionaire, João Pita, the priority on the agenda will be to seek new contracts with low-cost airlines, reinforce with the international market the good economic moment that the Brazilian sector is going through, after a year of reducing the ICMS on aviation diesel and the potential of São Paulo International Airport, in Guarulhos. “At the beginning of 2019, the prospect of reducing the tax on aircraft fuel was still seen as a positive point, but the magnitude of its result was uncertain. One year on, the story is successful: 10 new domestic destinations and three international destinations were launched, at an extremely challenging time for the Brazilian airline industry ”, reinforces the executive. Following Routes Americas, João Pita will go to Outlook Forum 2020 - Visit California, from February 9 to 12, in the State of San Diego, USA, as a guest speaker. The executive participates in the “Discussing the Runway Ahead” table, which will address new trends and demands for technology and innovation between airports and airlines, on the 11th (Tuesday), alongside Melissa Andretta, director of Marketing and International Aviation from San Francisco airport (USA); Andres Jonsson, director of Network Planning & Scheduling at the company. Icelandic airline Icelandair; and Howard Mann, vice president of Campbell Hill Aviation Group.