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HIPA to award Merit medals to finalist photographers – HIPA premiará com medalhas de mérito os 20 fotógrafos finalistas desta temporada

Secretário Geral Ali bin Thalith

Secretário Geral Ali bin Thalith

The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) is set to present 20 merit medals to various finalist photographers who took part in the fourth season of competition ‘Life in Colour’. The new merit medals are set to be recognition awards and fully announced after the HIPA Awards Ceremony on Monday the 16th of March 2015.

O Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) premiará com medalhas de mérito os fotógrafos finalistas que partiicparam na quarta edição da competição “Life in Colour”. As medalhas são o prêmio de reconhecimento e do anúncio feito após a cerimônia de entrega, em Dubai.

Commenting on the new awards, the Secretary General of HIPA, His Excellency Ali bin Thalith said “The 20 merit medals we are set to give out are a testament to the quality of photographs submitted in our fourth season of competition ‘Life in Colour’”. “Many finalist photographs for this season were of such a high caliber that the HIPA board felt that they must be recognized in some way, and hence the concept of the Merit Medals was unanimously agreed upon”. “We hope to build on the quality of submissions we have had this season with more quality photographs in the coming seasons of HIPA”.

Comentando sobre os novos prêmios, o Secretário Geral do HIPA, Sua Excelência Ali bin Thalith disse “as 20 medalhas de mérito servem como atestado da qualidade das fotografias desta edição. Muitas imagens desta edição são de tamanho calibre que o quadro de diretores sentiu que deveriam ser homenageados de alguma maneira, e as medalhas foram a decisão unânime. Esperamos crescer em qualidade das imagens participantes para as próximas edições”.

All winners of the fourth season of the Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) are set to be announced at the 4th annual awards ceremony under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai on the 16th of March 2015 at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).

Todos os vencedores foram anunciados na Cerimônia do dia 16 de março, com a presença de His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, o príncipe coroado de Dubai, no Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).

With a grand prize of $120,000 and an overall prize pool of $400,000, the categories for the 4th season of HIPA is ‘Life in Colour’ (which also serves as the main theme), ‘General’, ‘Faces (Black & White)’ and ‘Night Photography’.

Com o grnade prêmio de US$120.000 e prêmios que totalizaram US$400.000, as categorias para a quarta edição do HIPA são “Life in Colour”, Geral, Faces em Preto e Branco e Fotografia Noturna.

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