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HIPA to host Photography Workshops during Awards Ceremony Week – Workshops de Fotografia durante a semana de premiação HIPA

Tom Ang

Tom Ang

The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) will be celebrating a week of photography following the Awards Ceremony, with a series of photography workshops in Dubai presented by prominent international photographers.

HIPA irá celebrar a semana de fotografia após a Cerimônia dos Prêmios, com uma série de workshops apresentados por conhecidos fotógrafos internacionais.

HIPA judge and photography author Tom Ang will give a workshop titled ‘How to Become a Professional Photographer’ on Thursday the 19th of March at the Origami meeting room in the Radisson Royal hotel.

“Como se tornar um Fotógrafo Internacional” com o jurado e autor de fotografia Tom Ang, no dia 19 de Março no Radisson Royal Hotel.


Ang is a leading authority on digital photography, a photographer, author, educator, TV broadcaster, and traveller who specialized in Central Asia (Former Soviet Union) for 10 years, leading academic projects and photographing extensively. He has worked widely in the photographic industry: as a magazine editor, picture editor, technical journalist, and consultant and has juried leading international photo competitions.

Ang é uma autoridade lider da Fotografia Digital, fotógrafo, autor, educador, apresentador de TV e viajante que se especializou na Asia Central (antiga União Soviética) por 10 anos liderando projetos academicos e fotografando extensivamente. Seu histórico de trabalho na indústria da footgrafia: editor de revista, editor de fotos, jornalista técnico e consultor e jurado nos principais concursos internacionais.

Martin Grahame-Dunn

Martin Grahame-Dunn

British photography trainer Martin Grahame-Dunn will give an exclusive 4 hour ‘Portfolio Review’ on Friday the 20th of March at the Origami meeting room in the Radisson Royal hotel as well.

“Revisão de Portfolio” com o treinador de fotografia britânico Martin Grahame-Dunn, no dia 20 de Março no Radisson Royal Hotel.

Grahame-Dunn has been in the Photography Industry industry for over 36 years with a career covering many aspects of Professional Photography including Industrial, Commercial, Automotive, Advertising, Fashion, Editorial, and Wedding Photography & Portraiture.

For the entire period of his professional career he has been actively engaged in the worldwide training of photographers, covering every major discipline and is a highly respected trainer and judge with many professional organisations as well as many of the world’s leading representative bodies.

Graham-Dunn está na industria da fotografis há mais de 36 anos com uma carreira que cobriu muitos aspectos da fotografia profissional incluindo a industrial, automotiva, publicitária, moda, editorial e casamento e retratos.

Durante o período de vida profissional ele tem estado engajado em treinamento de fotógrafosinternacionais, abordando as principais disciplinas e é altamente respeitado como treinador e juiz junto amuitas organizações, assim como muitos das mais representativas entidades mundiais.

Carol Walker

Finally, American horse-photographer Carol Walker will present a day-long ‘Horse Photography Workshop’ on Saturday the 21st of March at the Fahidi Stable in Sharjah.

“Workshop de Fotografia de Cavalos” com o fotógrafo de cavalos americano Carol Walker, no dia 21 de Março no Faidi Stable em Sharjah.

Walker studied literature and photography as an undergraduate at Smith College, and continued her education in photography after graduating, studying portraiture and nature photography. She has travelled all over the world photographing wildlife for the past 30 years. She teaches workshops for amateur photographers on equine photography. She is also one of the leading advocates working to keep America’s wild horses wild and free on public lands. Her award-winning book Wild Hoofbeats: America’s Vanishing Wild Horses was released in the winter of 2008 and is currently in its second printing.

Assistant Secretary General of HIPA, Sahar Al Zarei said that “The workshops we are hosting during the Awards Ceremony week further highlight our commitment to developing the skills of local photographer in Dubai and the UAE. The feedback we received from previous workshops helped in us deciding to host these workshops during what is undoubtedly the busiest time of year for HIPA. We hope these workshops can further benefit photographers from all walks of life and we look forward to great turnouts in all our future events”.

About the Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA):
The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) is an internationally renowned photography competition. It was launched in 2011 by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai. The award enjoys a social and legal stature as a tool for promoting Dubai’s vision of artistic and cultural excellence. On a local level, the award hopes to develop and increase awareness of the art of photography amongst the local Emirati population. For more information visit www.hipa.ae

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