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HIPA undertakes Corporate Social Responsibility in remote islands in Malaysia – HIPA empreende Responsabilidade Social Corporativa na Malásia

AliBinThalith_MalaysiaThe Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) has announced that it sent members of its team to undertake in a corporate social responsibility in various remote islands in Malaysia earlier this year. The initiative involved interaction with the nomadic Bajau Laut communities in Eastern Malaysia who often live in small communities off the shore of small islands.

The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) anunciou que envio membros de seu time para ação de responsabilidade social corporativa em várias ilhas remotas da Malásia no início deste ano. A iniciativa envolveu interação com a comunidade nômade de Baju Laut no leste da Malásia que vivemem pequenas ilhas.

The Secretary General of HIPA, His Excellency Ali bin Thalith commented that “This initiative was undertaken to try and have a positive influence on the lives of those who are less fortunate through the art of photography”. “The HIPA team travelled to 4 islands in Eastern Malaysia and those were Mataking, Gaya, Silakan and Maiga. The team got to learn more about the local traditions and culture of the local population as well learning first hand of the struggles the sea nomads experience on a daily basis through living in such a remote part of the world”.

O Secretário Geral do HIPA, Sua Excelência Ali Bin Talith comentou que “Esta iniciativa foi empreendida para tentar e obter uma influencia positiva daqueles que são menos afortunados, através da arte da fotografia”. “A equipe do HIPA viajou para 4 ilhas no leste da Malásia, a saber Mataking, Gaya, Silakan e Maiga. A equipe conheceu mais sobre a cultura local e as tradições da população local, assim como percebeu logo sobre as dificuldades diárias das tribos nômades que vivem em partes remotas do mundo”.

Bin Thalith continued, “The HIPA team shared the power of photography with the people of the 4 islands by handing out cameras and teaching the children of the islands how to use them, which had a positive impact on everyone involved. For us, the HIPA team, it was a pleasure using our beloved art form (photography) in such a way that brought us closer to the inhabitants of the islands who welcomed us in as family. We are glad that we were able to positively impact the Bajau-laut people in such a way by using photography and we hope to be able to carry out similar initiatives in the future.”

Bin Talith continua “A equipe HIPA compartilhou o poder da fotografia com as pessoas das 4 ilhas entregando cameras e ensinando as crianças das ilhas como usá-las, o que teve um impacto positivo em todos os envolvidos. Para nós da equipe HIPA, foi um prazer usar a arte (fotografia) de tal modo que aproximou os habitantes das ilhas que nos receberam como família. Nós estamos felizes

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