As grandes cidades geralmente contam com locais míticos que servem pratos super exclusivos do local.
Embora a Cidade de São Paulo seja uma Capital Gastronômica, também existe um lugar com uma história por trás do que serve e essa história se confunde com a história da cidade.
O Bauru é um lanche típico da Cidade de São Paulo, porque foi inventado aqui e leva o imortalmente paulistano pãozinho francês.
A criação por acaso da iguaria se deu no Ponto Chic, endereço com mais de noventa anos de funcionamento e que desde 1937 ficou famoso por causa do lanche.
O inventor, assim como muitos outros era estudante da Faculdade de Direito e sugeriu uma montagem, em sua análise, completa do ponto de vista nutricional. Conta a história que Casimiro Pinto Neto foi adicionando itens na receita conforme suas propriedades e benefícios para a saúde.
O Bauru continua a ser servido da mesma maneira desde sua criação, portanto um sucesso de 79 anos.
– pão francês, com finas fatias de rosbife (frio), tomate em rodelas, pepino em conserva e uma mistura de 4 tipos de queijos fundidos.
Opções: No pão sírio/no pão de forma/no pão preto.
Ingredientes do Bauru Original
Atualmente são quatro endereços onde se encontra o Bauru original, incluindo a matriz do Largo do Paissandú, que já foi ponto de encontro de grandes movimentações da sociedade Paulista.
A administração do Ponto Chic do bairo do Paraíso nos revelou em entrevista exclusiva, algumas curiosidades sobre o Bauru e o Ponto Chic:
OT – Qual a procedência do Rosbife do Ponto Chic? Ele é feito no restaurante? Desde quando? Qual tratamento é dado a este ingrediente?
Acompanhamentos prediletos do Bauru – Chopp gelado e Batatas Fritas
Big Cities generally rely on mythical locations serving super unique food & spirits. Although the city of São Paulo is a Gastronomic Capital, there is also a place with a history behind the serving and this story is intertwined with the history of the city.
The Bauru is a typical snack from the city of São Paulo, because it was invented here and take the imortal paulistano French roll. The creation by chance of the delicacy in Ponto Chic, address with more than 90 years of operation and that since 1937 became famous because of the sandwich.
The inventor, as well as many others was a student of the nearby Faculty of law and suggested an Assembly, in his analysis, complete from the nutritional point of view. Tells the story that Casimiro Pinto Neto was adding items in the recipe as its properties and health benefits.
The Bauru continues to be served the same way since its creation, therefore a success of 79 years.
-French bread with thin slices of roast beef (cold), sliced tomato, pickle and a mixture of 4 types of processed cheese. Options: Syrian bread / Black bread.
Currently there are four addresses where the original Bauru, including the Paissandú, where in the past was a meeting point for great moves from São Paulo society.
Ponto Chic’s administration of the Paraíso neighborhood revealed in an exclusive interview, some facts about the Bauru and Ponto Chic:
OT -What is the origin of the roast beef of Ponto Chic? It is made in the restaurant? Since when? Which treatment is given to this ingredient?
The roast beef is prepared in the store daily from the Lagarto (Brazilian cut). From the meat reception to the suppliers selection, is something very sensitive and has the personal accompaniment of the owners. The Lagarto is roasted on high heat until it is burnt to a crisp on the outside and red eye. After it is brought to the Chamber for a thermal shock. Only after 24 hrs it can go back into production and be sliced thin.
OT -How many Baurus are sold each month in stores in Sao Paulo? What days and times they go out? What the public’s reaction to different breads offered, beyond the traditional French bread?
Daily are sold more than 500 Baurus. It’s a constancy in all times, in the lounge or through delivery. The most requested is the traditional French bread. We observed that most frequent customers are opting for other types of breads for a change.
OT What’s the profile of Ponto Chic goers? There’s a difference between the addresses of the city? A lot of tourists?
The client profile is a public A and B above 30’s. On a lunch break ends up having a little difference between the customers of each store, especially because at that time, most of the public walk to work in the neighborhood. The night is more homogeneous.
There are many tourists and visitors from São Paulo who frequent our shops. Normally we note that Brazilian tourists are accompanied by paulistanos who are proud to show something as traditional of our culture. The foreign audience has been growing in recent years. It was necessary to do versions of our site and our menu in English to address this audience.
OT How is the preparation of cheese? Could you give a brief recipe of how to merge the cheeses of Bauru.
The cheeses are melted in a Bain-Marie. In a bowl of hot water and butter blends the four types of cheese: Prato, estepe, gouda and Swiss.
OT -About the owners?
Mr. Antonio came from the town of Franca, 16 years old and worked for many years as a waiter and later Manager of Ponto Chic.
OT– On the anniversary of Sao Paulo, is Bauru the most wanted? Any special promotion for this date?
No doubt the Bauru is the most wanted! We often joke that the anniversary of São Paulo is our Christmas! Many paulistanos and tourists take advantage of the holiday to enjoy our city and meet the traditional spots.
On the day of the birthday (Monday, 25/01) the Bauru will be sold for only R$16,90 all day!
Loja Paraíso
Praça Oswaldo Cruz, 26
Delivery: 3289-1480
Loja Perdizes
Largo Padre Péricles, 139
Delivery: 3826-0500
Loja Paissandu
Largo do Paissandu, 27
Delivery: 3222-6528